
Movie Night - Reagan - Free Event

Reagan is the cinematic journey that follows the life of Ronald Regan from a child, to the president of the United States and how God touched and guided his life in making our nation great

Friday, January 10th at 7pm

In the upper and lower sanctuary

No tickets necessary. Doors open at 6:30pm

Complementary Popcorn and water

Check out the trailer

Men's Breakfast & Bible Study

Saturday, January 18th at 8am

Breakfast Served from 8-9am

Bible Study from 9-10am

Sign up Here

Abundant Life Prayer Walk

Saturday, January 25th at 10am

Join us at Planned Parenthood at 14372 Beach Blvd in Westminster.

Please Park off Hazard.


Super Bowl Viewing & Potluck

Sunday, February 9th at 3pm

Burgers & Hot Dogs will be Provided

Bring appetizers, a side dish or dessert to share.

Activities for the kids

The Vine - Covered in Love

Monday, February 10th at 7pm

Free event for any woman to attend.

With a Devotion from Kathleen Pedick, demos, desserts and some DIYs

Ladies, bring a friend and be reminded how Covered in God's love you are!

Married Couples - Valentines Potluck

Thursday, February 13th 6pm

For Married Couples of Any Age

Bring a Main Dish, Side Dish, Salad, or Dessert to Share. 

Worship & Devotional Included

Movie Night - The House of David Episode One

Friday, February 14th at 7pm

Join us for a Special Sneak Peak of the New Amazon MGM series The House of David Episode One before it's released.

The House of David Episode One is about the once mighty King Saul falling victim to his own pride, as David, the shepherd boy, is anointed the 2nd king.

Doors open at 6:30pm

Seating is on a first come basis

No Tickets Required